Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paul's Creative Blog

Bobby Brown woke up at 3 in the afternoon, and realized he had missed a whole day of school.  He didn’t really care considering both of his parents had died in a car crash. Bobby hated school in fact he ditched school every other day. But the day he did go was the worst day of his life. He woke up at a decent hour in time for school, he did what he usually did before he went to school. Brushed his teeth, shower, put on some fresh clothes. But before all of that he would have Sohan Bhakta turn on the pot to cook some beans. Sohan would always remind him that he had to beans cooking. In 2075 Sohan died of getting postured by Tyson Warner in a 1v 1 for money. So Bobby was on his own, and he usually remembered but this time he was running a bit of schedule. He got all of his stuff done and ran out the door, and barely caught the bus. But halfway to school he realized he forgot the BEANS!!!!!! He made that same exact face as he looked back at the shed he lived in.

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