Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joan's Creative Blog

Rylee was a very friendly kid she had many friends but there was  one thing that she hated though and that was the outdoors. She absolutely hated ants and other bugs she didn't like to sleep in tents because she was uncomfortable but the thing about the outdoors that she just couldn't stand was hiking. She hated the idea of climbing up a mountain to see tiny little buildings that looked like legos and then climb back down. One day her mom told her that she was going to sign her and herself to a hiking program after school she was frightened by this so bad that the next day she went and signed up for the photography program to avoid it. She got out of hiking until next year when there was a field trip to go to a camp and in that camp she was gonna do a lot of hiking her mom made her go to the trip. Her mom basically had to carry her to the bus and when she finally got her in she was trying her best to come out she. After a minute she started begging her mom and trying to bribe her offering to do extra chores and to be a better daughter. SHe acted like if she was getting put off for adoption. When the bus was finally leaving she started banging on the back window and her mom snapped a picture of her to show her how dramatic she was.

When she finally got back she slept for 2 days straight then her and her mom had a good laugh about it.

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